Winter Harrison

Welcome to the website dedicated to me! Winter! Here hopefully my creator finally took the time to write down my whole history! Every... bit of it... hoo-boy. Enjoy your stay.Down below from left to right are useful links about me.
My Twitter, Twitch, FC Website, Patreon, and Blue Sky. (Click on the Icons)

Winter's History

The Beginning

Winter was born in Othard, a section of land between the Xaelan and Raen tribes where her little tribe of Miqo'te Sun Seekers were left to fend for themselves. While there is little to be known about Winter's tribe, it is known now that there is no trace of them left except for their last surviving member, Winter. The name of the tribe is unknown, but with some little magic of forensics and Winter's own expeditions into their lands along with stories from the old elders of Xaela and Raen tribes. Here is what Winter found out about her family, at least, the impact they left behind.Miqo'te Sun Seeker tribe that had almost no similarities to the tribes found in Eorzea. Generally adopting solid black or solid red hair among their people with blue and brown eyes as a common trait. Skin colors revolving between a light tan to a darker brown color. The tribe was mainly nomadic and as such had traveled within their lands many times over every cycle. Their way of life differed, but not so much compared to Eorzea.In terms of marriage they had nothing like it. Children were the symbol of a enlightened bond between two people. Enlightened bonds were a title given to a couple that had a child. However they are not the only bonds given. Upon the appropriate age in the tribe, those without a bond are huddled into a large tent where a ceremony begins to find such bonds. It is a large group dance that is long forgotten now. If two or more were to find the feelings of love within them for another, then they are encourage to confess. It was okay to be rejected, for it was said their real love wasn't there yet.
(Basically, all the singles have a party and if consensual feelings were founded, boop, couple. If not, then next time. It wasn't limited to just two people either. You love them, they love you, nothing stops it.)
This tradition is how Winter's parents found each other. Though even Winter herself does not know her birth name, she was able to reconstruct from her own DNA how her parents looked like.And although Winter was four years old when her life changed. She cannot remember any of it.


Winter's childhood is, like many, not normal. At four years old, Garlemald had a show of force in the Orthardian region. Wiping out her entire tribe. Winter was the sole survivor of the attack because of the generosity of one particular individual. Jane Harrison.Winter wasn't a good little girl growing up. She was a troublemaker, threw many tantrums, and had always given Jane trouble during the early years. It all changed though when Winter lost her left hand for stealing food. Early Doma period under Garlean occupation. Lawlessness was rampant in the city.Jane Harrison was a Magitek Engineer in the Doman Division for the Garlean forces. A Hyran woman who had a soft side. Hid Winter away in a secret room at her workshop. Building Magitek Reapers, weapons, ships, or anything they ordered her to make. When Winter lost her hand, Jane made her a new one, nurses her, and taught Winter her work, which Winter latched on quickly.When Winter reached fourteen years old, her days of secrecy was caught. Winter learned much from Jane, and she had even fell in love with her despite the age gap. Jane loved her back, but only as a daughter. Hence why Winter has the adopted name of Harrison as her surname.It was also the year Winter was forced into the Garlean forces.

The Academy

The death of Jane had led to Winter going through the Garlean Academy (I assume they have one, a type of military school) She was accepted for being under Jane's guidance and the fact a Magitek limb was rather new. The prospect of making crippled soldiers return to service with augmented limbs had interested the top brass.Winter was angry, and this anger fueled her way to the top. Following every instruction, passing every exam, performing the best. This really angered one person in particular, Cyrus Addington.To Winter, he wasn't of any importance. Hardly even noticed him despite him being 2nd in everything she does. Winter is the Cid as Cyrus is to Nero. Fun fact however, Winter absolutely loves Cid.Winter never developed social skills during this period, leaving her years as a young adult scary and strange for she went through them alone and living with the enemy.

Winter nan Harrison

You read the title right. Winter became a nan. No, not a nun, a nan. Chief Engineer of the Doman Division. Given command of a whole platoon of people soon after she was given more free reign of control. Winter's magitek designs, improvements, and the interest of getting rid of illnesses had led to her being in many places. Returning the favors as best as she could to the people. Showing generosity, but not enough to raise suspicion. Soldiers under her command were touched by her, crippled people, some left behind in battle, some who had nothing left. Winter helped them with new limbs, a career, a place to be. Each of her soldiers had a strong loyalty to her. This platoon of hers ended up being a guerrilla force for secret operations against the Garlean forces. At first, under Winter's orders, they attacked indiscriminately on many targets belonging to the Garleans making sure not to hurt any civilians. The aftermath of such led to Garlemald taking it's rage on the civilians.Winter felt horrible, but it all changed with the arrival of Allie Capone. Allie came out of no where. A Foreigner to Othard, born in Gridania, and ventured to Othard to escape from reality for awhile. Allie ended up in a war. Both Winter and her ended up fighting at one point, but the duel ended in a stalemate. Since then, the two became friends, and eventually lovers. Although Allie wasn't from Othard, her level of tactics and command had helped Winter and her platoon attack specific targets that leaves the blame of which to a fake rebellion force known as The Crimson Ravens. Together, they really did damage to Garlean forces to the point that leads to The Doman Rebellion.Winter, during her time as a Garlean had led her to do horrific things, many of which she still regrets to this day. Domans may remember Winter as a kind-hearted Garlean. Othardians know her as an Angel of Death.

Eorzean Winter

With the Doman Rebellion ending in failure. Winter and Allie took the opportunity to escape among the refugees to Eorzea. Once on shore, they separated. Winter wandered around Ul'dah. Living in the streets, wandering around. Hiding her hand, her face. She changed her air, colored it fiery orange, but kept her name. One day in Ul'dah markets, Winter met a Miqo'te man by the name of X'tai Aubade. Tai ran a clinic in The Goblet and had need of someone to help build it. In exchange for some Gil. Winter accepted, and although the clinic was built, she was accepted to live there as well. Winter was surprised to see those who worked there had no care for the fact Winter was a Garlean. They even helped her with setting up a small workshop where she made a new arm and had met a Kitsune woman who had claimed to have lived with the Allagans. Winter disputed it, but was proven to be true when the Kitsune had given Winter a codex that could only be opened with blood. This codex was also a key that translated Allagan. Using this, Winter was able to modify Allagan technology for her use. The codex, along with her knowledge of Magitek, which was based on Allagan technology, she had made many marvels.The clinic also led to Winter meeting her first wife, Chouwa Morrison. Quite funny how it happened. The entire clinic was in on trying to set the two up. In the end it worked, and the two bonded together. Winter was rather happy at this time. Funnily enough the sparks of romance happened at Winter's death bed, but that's for another time.The clinic eventually went under though and Winter moved to another company. Chouwa did the same, but to a different one. Still bonded, but separated, it had a toll on the two and they agreed on an open marriage. Winter's new FC was rather different, and she believed she would have been able to expand on her research. However, due to the controversial nature of using Voidsent as a power source, she was limited to what she does. Winter of course, did not like that, and so she moved once more into what she is now in.The Shroudwolf Clan. Primarily a Moon Keeper clan of Miqo'te, they accepted Winter, barely. Winter wasn't exactly in a happy mood when she first came across the clan, and had directly insulted the Matriarch Khloe Lyegha in front of her and others. But, despite all of Winter's downfalls and heavy past, she was accepted into the clan. Overtime she grew closer to the clan members and became an Elder, one of the highest honors given to a member. Winter is still an Elder of the Shroudwolf Clan, and will do anything to protect her family.

Winter's Profile

Gender: Female
Ancestry: Sun Seeker Miqo'te
Birthplace: Othard
Age: Thirty
Nameday: December 31st
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship status: Married
Profession(s): Magitek Engineer, Virologist, General Practitioner, Surgeon, Allagan Specialist.
Voice accent: Doman+Garlean
Height: 62 inches
Weight: Full-size fridge
Hair color (At birth): Black
Hair color (Present): Brunette+Red
Eye Color (At birth): Royal Blue
Eye Color (Present): Violet/Royal Blue
Favorite Food: Brisket
Favorite Dessert: Shaved Ice (Sno-cones)

Winter's Magitek

Winter's Magitek is not of Garlean design or Allagan design. It is of her own design and not powered by ceruleum, but Voidsent essence.Voidsents are creatures from the 13th world that is now known as The Void. A world deVOID of Aether. (Heh, get it?)But, Voidsents were once people, creatures, born and made of Aether, thus must have something if anything left. Especially if they venture into The Source, consuming Aether.Thus I made a small system pertaining to Winter's power source. Small, powerful, long-lasting. Giving many opportunities for many inventions. Like Magitek limbs.(Subject to change)

Ahriman2Gold4 Years
Imp1Violet1 Year
Succubus4Blue8 Years
DiabolosXRed20 Years

Amazing Artists who have drawn Winter!











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